Saturday, April 5, 2008

Life-long learning

For those of you that know me, understand I'm not much of a writer. But lately, I've been inspired to share my thoughts. With the kick-off of our own Learning 2.0 project that will change CML staff into Life-long learners is exciting to me. I believe this can only help librarian to start learning this way too. Many librarian seem to be reactive learners who learn as they need to - but its too hard to keep up today as fast as technology is changing. Librarians and many technical professionals need to be striving to learn new things without a formal class setting.

Thats my rant for today, hope you enjoyed it. In the coming days, weeks, years, I intend to use this blog to submit issues and thoughts that affect library developers. So stay tuned!


Sean Robinson said...

Great job! Thanks for the nice comments on Helene's blog. I am not much of a writer myself but I force myself to do and I see you are taking the same approach. I think you are being very proactive and supporting Helene in her mission and I am really impressed. I am adding you to my feed list and will be looking for your posts :-) I look forward to meeting with you again.
