Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Google diving into 3D mapping of oceans

I usually try to share library programmer related stuff on this blog, but Google mapping the ocean, sounds way cool to me! Maybe I'll expand to a broader array technologies.

We've got Google Earth and Google Sky. Next up will be a map of the world below sea level--Google Ocean.

The company has assembled an advisory group of oceanography experts, and in December invited researchers from institutions around the world to the Mountain View, Calif., Googleplex. There, they discussed plans for creating a 3D oceanographic map, according to sources familiar with the matter. Read more ...

Sunday, April 27, 2008

What will you do with your cognitive surplus?

Gin, Television, and Social Surplus by Clay Shirky.

Here is an interesting, albeit long, snippet from the Web 2.0 Conference earlier this month.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Library gang signs

For those who are striving for more street cred, check out the newest in gang signs. Show you are down with Library 2.0 Fo' schizzle!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Finally, a possible end to my Wordpress solution hunt

I've been searching all around the web for a way to do multiple Wordpress blogs on an single installation. I think I finally found a solution, if you have a better solution, please comment. Here's what I've found

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Drupal pointers

Today I found a good site for Drupal 6 content management tutorials. If you're considering Drupal for your organization or already developing in Drupal, the vidcasts on this page are a must. I very much enjoyed New features in Drupal 6 video. I'm convinced I should upgrade my personal websites from Drupal 5.x to 6 now, even if some modules are not yet ready for 6.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Life-long learning

For those of you that know me, understand I'm not much of a writer. But lately, I've been inspired to share my thoughts. With the kick-off of our own Learning 2.0 project that will change CML staff into Life-long learners is exciting to me. I believe this can only help librarian to start learning this way too. Many librarian seem to be reactive learners who learn as they need to - but its too hard to keep up today as fast as technology is changing. Librarians and many technical professionals need to be striving to learn new things without a formal class setting.

Thats my rant for today, hope you enjoyed it. In the coming days, weeks, years, I intend to use this blog to submit issues and thoughts that affect library developers. So stay tuned!